From Denny: Every year in America we take time to do more than get a few days off to relax and grill hamburgers and hotdogs in our peaceful back yards with family and friends. We take time to remember our fallen war dead of all the generations and thank them for their ultimate sacrifice.
No matter what our political party affiliation everyone respects courage and sacrifice. Where we differ is sending our youngest and best into situations that could have been avoided had our civilian leaders had more courage and wisdom. Rash decisions are never the way of the wise and too often self-important egos of old men who won't park their pride at the door end up sending the a country's young men to war.
Recently, when I was checking on some genealogy research locally I went to the National Cemetery in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. There I found soldiers from the Massachusetts Brigade of the Civil War with a huge monument to them, WW2, Korean War to the Vietnam War. It was a strange place of white crosses all neat in a row. The Civil War names were fading from time and the weather. This place did not seem to contain the lingering sadness I had felt at a Confederate grave site where most of the graves were of fourteen year old boys.
During the Bush years, President Bush refused to allow photos of the war dead returning home. He knew public sentiment would turn against the Iraq War as well it did when finally photos of flag draped coffins on a military plane were smuggled out by a relative to the press.
War should never be fought anonymously but face to face so you can see the terror in each other's eyes and then maybe common sense of self-preservation will prevail. War should never be marketed in an antiseptic way like during the Bush years, deflecting from the harsh cruelty of it. Too many wives are left without husbands; too many children are left without parents.
It takes a generation for a country to heal. Let's quit putting in office the war mongers that feed the Big Business appetite of war profiteering off the blood of our soldiers. Greed brings too much sorrow - to everyone in their path of destruction.
See Cartoons by Cartoon by David Fitzsimmons - Courtesy of Politicalcartoons.com - Email this Cartoon
*** ALSO check out the full post over at The Social Poets where there are more links to great cartoons of the week:
America This Week: World Politics Cartoons and Commentary - 22 May 2010
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