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And the Bozo Sapien Award goes to the top of the political heap: the Tea Party
From Denny: The cartoonists have had some fun this week lampooning the wildly bizarre antics and sayings coming from the Tea Party corner of American politics. Just when you think what they hurl out into the atmosphere can't sound any weirder, well, they say something even weirder the next week. Go figure. The human animal is a real wonder - and sometimes a serious piece of "artwork."
Raucous Rebellious Tea Party and their odious parents the Republicans:
"Quick!" says the GOP political strategist, "Develop those nutjob wedge issues before the voters figure out the Republicans have made sure to send their jobs overseas, foreclose on their homes, rip off their life retirements and savings accounts and then put them deep into debt supporting George Bush's tax cuts."
"Yeah, we'd better work fast before they figure out how we screwed them."
*** See more funny cartoons from this week:
Economy, Afghan War, America, World Politics Cartoons - 21 Aug 2010 - This week's political opinion delivered through the national cartoonists.
Funny Odd Hunh?! Cartoons - 21 Aug 2010 - Check out this week's grinners to soothe your work week stress.
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