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15 July 2010

Photography and Poetry: Release Your Dreams and Spring into Life

*** Enjoy some great art photography and a poem of inspiration.

Are there some days when you wonder which way is up in your life? :)

Are there some days when you feel like you are traveling a maze - and you don't know where the exit sign is located?

Do you have those days when you put forth a whole lot of effort just to break through to the surface?

Do you experience those times when you feel all entangled in life?

Do you ever watch the clock at work and then feel like dragging it off stage?

Do ever wonder if your pets are showing off to their friends by making you perform and do tricks?

Take a little time today and let your dreams out of their cages and set them free to soar!

Rejoice! It's Spring, the time of Hope and Renewal. Take time to cultivate the best of you...

Denny Lyon
Copyright 31 March 2010
All Rights Reserved

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