From Denny: What a tranquil meditative scene done in black and white photography! A wonderful photo to view as we end our work week and need to stress down.
Mont Saint Michel photo by Ben Heine @ flickr
All Rights Reserved for this photographer but he does have an embed code on his flickr page for bloggers.
**** Click here on "read more" to view the photo ****
From the photographer: "The "Mont Saint Michel" (English: Saint Michael's Mount) is a rocky tidal island in Normandy, France. It's a huge monument with an abbey and a village. UNESCO has classed the Mont Saint-Michel as a world heritage in 1979 and this mecca of tourism welcomes more than three million visitors a year.
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And he gave a poem too:
Mont Saint Michel
A poem by Peter S. Quinn
There is a fairytale place
That reflects its dream
Through centuries of grace
In waves of ocean stream
Mont Saint Michel
With a garden of its light
So much of timeless spell
In search of wrong and right
This place Mont Saint Michel’s
In centuries of glows
And hundreds sounds of bells
In rising highs and lows
Where trust in God was true
Like mountains stood high
In its conviction onto
The heaven blue deep and sky
This place where life is creed
And the good shall survive
A tree to grow up not cede
But stay and prosper contrive
The fruit of blossom coming
Like spring comes in its truth
Full insignia blossoming
In eternal of our earth’s youth
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