From Denny: Check out the adorable child portraits I found on one of my "visual vacations" to rest my brain from mind-numbing blog maintenance tasks. Most were taken by their parents and are quite clever in composition.
How do you narrow down the choices to just a few for a post? Well, it wasn't easy, I can tell you that one for sure! I'll probably do a few more of these child photography posts.
I love portraits and the human face that I'm always looking for creative ways to photograph. This should give you some great ideas of how to photograph your new arrival, the sister's cute kids or just when you are out on photo safari in your neighborhood.
Just be aware that when you photograph a child not to identify them or photograph them in such a way as to attract pedophiles. Yes, there are creeps on the internet and in your neighborhood of which you may not be aware. It's pretty astonishing stuff to go on the sex offender sites to see who might be living in your zip code. Makes me glad I don't live in Florida where too many of these guys seem to congregate.
Anyway, when I put up child portraits it's usually long after they have grown up, so no one can identify them. You might want to consider the same. Children often change so fast that a portrait taken today may look miles different in only a year.
I opted to post these photos because the children are so young their looks will change drastically in a short time so it would be difficult - in not impossible - to be identified. Make sure you click on the photos to take you to the flickr photographers' pages. Why? You will find out some interesting facts about the photo stories and the photographic techniques employed.
Lots of good composition here to help you in your own photography. Just stay sensitive to the parents' wishes and child safety. OK, I'm off my soapbox. :) Enjoy the cute
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