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18 March 2010

Photography, Beautiful Metaphor for Life: 17 Boats

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From Denny: When I'm writing I take a break and rest my mind. That's when I go to places like flickr and focus only on the visual, no words. I get to think in pictures instead of words. Take a look at my version of a coffee break of what appealed to me today, enjoy!


Colorful boats in Italy by Emile Bremmer @ flickr

Shrimp boat in Vietnam by Lucas Jans @ flickr

Dream vision boat by gjeewaytee @ flickr

Brown and white boat by FriaLOve @ flickr

Boat with purple sky by *JRFoto* @ flickr

Aqua boat by mike138 @ flickr

Boat aground by mike138 @ flickr

Bored boy in a boat by Kr. B. @ flickr

Turquoise blue boat by cloudzilla @ flickr

Boat with clouds reflecting in the water by jonrawlinson @ flickr

Antique wooden boat in India by Anant Rohankar @ flickr

Coast Guard boat on rough seas by mikebaird @ flickr

Simple white boat by pdam2 @ flickr

Leaf boat in Croatia by prkos @ flickr

Junk boat in Hong Kong by ncburton @ flickr

Weathered boat in England by NickStenning @ flickr

Colorful boats from Malta by papalars @ flickr

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